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girl's just wanna have some fun !

Last saturday i went to Dufan, got free tickets from head office (they want we for refreshing .thankyouuu :D ). too bad i could'nt try Hysteria, the newest game bcause the very long queue.hzzz
Good new is , last night @dianarikasari was interviewed by @KerjaKreatif powered by IDS (International Design School) and it was Mr.B AS INTERVIEWER!!! Ohghhhh how i envy his job ! but he did well for last night , proud of him . if you missed the #twitview , you can check #twitview KerjaKreatif with DianaRikasari .Just click click ! <3
Happy loooooong holiday for those who are in college , and for those who still in school , keep fighting ! :D


  1. asiiiknyaa yang ke dufan..jadi pengeeen..hahaha

    hooo..yang interview diana itu pacar kamu tooh?sama kayak yang waktu itu interview rene ya?hehe

  2. Hallo Kak Fitri :)
    Salam kenal ya kak? Saya Indah Pratiwi.
    Saya mau ngucapin terima kasih banyak tadi udah ketemuan (kkopi darat) dipesta blogger sekalian foto - foto. seru banget deh kak. saya juga seneng. mudah - mudahan kak fitri juga seneng. heheehe :)
    bdw, blognya kakak keren banget. kudu sering - sering blog walking ke sweet-suit.blogspot.com nih buat ngeliat referensi fashion. oke banget loh kak. keep up the good posting ya kak fitri?
    sekali lagi thx alot :)



thanks for stopping by and i really appreciated :D
