

Tuut Tuut Tuut :p

the picture was taken by Yuki :)

haii, how was your weekend? emm, and how's your Monday? mine is fabulous,i already share into my followers in twitter world that my program is fixed (i mean repaired by Arisyi .lol) .so, now i'm going to concentration into scientific writing,err.. something similar to a final task (TA) like that. wish me luck , the end of july is the deadline for collecting but i'm still in the beggining of chapther 3 and there are chap.4 etc etc many :|

My fav outfit is quite simple may not be commonly used by Jilbabers but i did, i just put a white flowery skirt covering my blue cotton dress with a black belt in addition .of course, still use a wearable-decent-proper and thick leggings.

Here I just wanted to illustrate that the economic train are feasible to use, i really like Bogor city ( a very cool weather and friendly) and to get there i usually use the train, like Rangga said " dibogor tuh enak, yang lo lakuin cuma 2 hal. kalo ga makan yah shopping !" hahaha ♡♥♡
if you a twitter user, make sure that you follow this guy --> es_ito . he will kill you with good quote and that's not boring and follow mine if you are interested , adiooss :D


  1. you look soo pretty and cute in that outfit
    i'm so in love with your skirt!!!
    thanks for your comment
    check out my latest post


  2. Thanks for your comment ya kak :D
    kayaknya belt nya lucu tuh . hihi what brand it is ?
    keep in touch :D

    cheers from Breakfast With Tea :D

  3. fit, baru sadar ni, kayanya kita satu kampus deh.hehehehe
    anyway, cute outfit. apalagi roknya.

  4. nice color on your outfit,look sweet :)
    and i love your smile too

    and i'm link you.feel free to follow me

  5. beautiful :)
    hehehe dulu aku juga sering naik kereta itu haha kalo lagi sepi enak ya..

  6. that skirt... W.O.W i love it !!!


  7. cute skirt !
    thanks . i'll link you too :)

  8. belum pernah naik kereta seperti itu.. pengin

  9. you look SO adorable! I love your skirt :)

  10. yes, i know. kmrn abis liat foto kamu yang di kampus kelapa dua. Beda jurusan aja, aku anak psikologi.

  11. kak Laras : iya kita 1 kampus .yeiyeyyy :D

  12. thanks for the vote, aw you've been a great friend really! :D x.

  13. Dang you have a really chic sense of style! :D Loving your blazers from previous posts, and your shoes are to die for. You've got a sweet smile ((:

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment too! :D I'm definitely following you, follow me too? <3



  14. sama2 ya, nice to meet you in virtual world juga ya. satu kampus malah ketemunya di blog duluan. hehehehe
    yuk, kapan2 kita hunting bareng ke flea market.
    oya, twitternya uda di follow. follback ya..
    anyway, panggil laras aja, ga usah pake kak. heeeeee

  15. cool outfit !!
    have a great day :)

  16. Thanks for coming fitri :)
    anyway, you have a great outfit with the jilbab. rare blogger :D

    nyway, have a great day!

  17. tutut...tutut..
    pengennya naik kereta api,,
    secara gak pernah aku,,
    heyy thank's ya kunjungannya..

  18. gotta hunting for it :D
    btw, keretanya bagus kak . aku blm pernah naik kereta sebagus ituu . :D

  19. Hey there :)
    I don't really "understand" fashion. So I'm gonna give comment about that. But I do love your photos. And...your sense of style, as in the wardrobe, I can accept. Haha. Maksudnya gak aneh-aneh gimana gitu. You combine nice clothing for yourself.

    Yah,gitu deh. Takut salah komen :))
    Thanks for the comment and for following me on Twitter juga ya #terharu #kasihgoceng :*

  20. Jogja jakarta naik kereta api tut tut tut

  21. nice color..

    btw thanks for the sweet comments
    i've already come back with my new post after the hectic week..

    so,,check on it

  22. udah pernah buka hijabscarf.com? mungkin kamu suka... itu blog teman saya


thanks for stopping by and i really appreciated :D
